Confidence Seminars
If you are anywhere within the range of not quite feeling exactly comfortable in the saddle all the way down to completely incapable of getting in the saddle because of crippling fear, this seminar is for you.
For some of you, it may simply be competition nerves? Riding alone nerves? trail riding nerves? open space nerves?
Do you constantly have "What if" pop into your head while riding?
No matter the level of discomfort this seminar is for you.
With no horses around it is conducted inside, in a safe, light hearted, non-judgemental environment.
During this seminar we will give you both physical and mental exercises to help you through your doubts, insecurities and fears and improve your riding.
Please contact us if you are interested in attending, or hosting one of our seminars. We do travel outside our normal service areas in order to conduct this seminar.